The easiest way to make an appointment is to call our 24 Hour Helpline – at 217-872-5555. If you would like to schedule an appointment via email, simply provide your name, email and phone number for us to email or text you back. During business hours we typically respond within the hour. After business hours it may take up to 24 hours for us to respond. But remember, our helpline is 24-7, so call anytime.
Make An Appointment
At your appointment we will first provide free of charge, lab quality pregnancy testing to verify your pregnancy. Even if you have taken a home test, lab quality testing provides more quality and accuracy. Some home pregnancy kits can give a false or unclear pregnancy test result. We offer reliable, lab-quality pregnancy testing that provides immediate results. Once your pregnancy is verified, we will confidentially help you discuss all of your options without judgement. We are here to help answer any questions or concerns you may have.